Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Spring Final

 Above is my choice for the "best shot." The whole idea I was going for with the set-up was "The competition just can't stand up." I was going to add some sort of caption with that line, but I ran out of time.

Below are some of the changes I made, with details.
 I made the "Brand X" bottle tipped over on its side. I made the label peeling up by editing the points on the nurbs plane. I also tilted the dispenser to make it look sad. Lastly, I made the soap color dull greenish to make it unappealing.
 I wanted to make the "Leet" bottle look confident, so I made it look like it was puffing out its chest by editing the nurbs points.
 I also added a cape to the "Leet" bottle to make it look super. Also, I tilted the dispenser up on the "Leet" bottle to make the bottle look confident.

Below are some more screen shots of the scene.

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