Monday, March 25, 2013

Grass and Wood Textures

For another group tutorial, I decided to make grass and wood textures to use in the game, since grass is a pretty important thing to have for the ground texture. Anyway, here is the grass texture tutorial I used along with an image of the texture file and the texture applied to the ground. The tutorial itself wasn't too difficult and also has some extra steps if you want to add lines to your grass like a football field, but I didn't need to do that.

Here is the tutorial I did for the wood texture (it is by the same guy). This tutorial was also pretty easy to follow, although some of the tools that he used in the Photoshop liquify filter weren't available in CS6 (I don't know why Adobe would have removed features, but whatever). Anyway, I just tried to achieve the same effect with the tools that I did have. Below is the texture and the texture applied to stuff.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


For my group tutorials I've been teaching myself JavaScript at Codecademy so I can hopefully end up helping program the game if I actually get good enough to be able to program advanced game-type stuff. I've pretty much just been doing the tutorials for JavaScript on the website. They're not too hard, you just have to think about what you're doing. Below is a sample of a code I did in one of the tutorials to make a rock paper scissors game. Anyway, hopefully I'll keep learning JavaScript and be able to help with the programming eventually!

var userChoice = prompt("Do you choose rock, paper or scissors?");
var computerChoice = Math.random();
if (computerChoice < 0.34) {
computerChoice = "rock";
} else if(computerChoice <= 0.67) {
computerChoice = "paper";
} else {
computerChoice = "scissors";

while(userChoice!=="rock" && userChoice!=="paper" && userChoice!=="scissors"){
userChoice = prompt("Please choose again.");

var compare = function(choice1,choice2){
return "The result is a tie!"};
return "rock wins";
} else {
return "paper wins";
return "paper wins";
else {
return "scissors wins";
return "rock wins";}
return "scissors wins";
